Upgrading to a new major version (eg 3.2 8 to 3.3.11) is a different matter and not covered by this document
1) Download the "Changed Files" Package from phpBB and unzip it on your computer
2) Discard all of the .zip's EXCEPT the one that addresses the the version you are updating from (eg 3.3.8 to 3.3.11)
3) Unzip that into the same folder as
- docs
- install
- vendor
4) Disable your board in the ACP
5) Backup your database (and all of the files if you want to be doubly sure although depending on how many attachments you have it can take a very long time)
6) Delete the vendor directory from
on your server. 7) Upload the files from your computer to
on your server overwriting all of the existing files when prompted8) Go to https://myboard.com/install and click update > update >
(don't worry about
No valid update directory was found, please make sure you uploaded the relevant files.
as you have already uploaded them)> Submit and let the installer run. Once its completed then delete the install directory from
and re enable the board.NOTES:-
The style(s) you are using has to match the version of phpBB you are using, so
A) If you have any additional styles download and upload the updated version of those at point 7 otherwise your board "WILL" break at some point.
B) If you have a custom style, then you “MUST” make sure that you make the style changes at point 7 otherwise your board “WILL” break at some point.